Sweet &

Check out the volumes below

Mary Morrissey

Courage, persistence, and growth hallmark this incredible selection of inspiring true stories. Short Sweet & Sacred brings you on a profound journey as each writer shares their intimate retelling of a time they were making a decision to live their best life–despite the circumstances. This sacred book offers a combination of unique stories that are sure to inspire hope!

Mary Morrissey | Founder of the Brave Thinking Institute

Volume II

50 Inspiring Stories From Life Coaches Who Transform Their Challenges Into Their Greatest Victories.

Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume II
Get this for your family and friends! A GREAT gift.
“This is a MUST READ for everyone. Love the bite size nuggets of wisdom within each story. I could relate to so many of these short stories. Well done and heartfelt! LOVE it!”
Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume I
Volume I

52 Uplifting Stories
From Life Coaches Who
Overcame and Moved
From Stuck to Success.

Short Sweet & Sacred, Volume I
Short Sweet & Sacred Book

Are you running on empty emotionally, feeling uninspired, or facing an overwhelming situation and finding yourself too busy to even figure out how to move in a positive direction?

If you’re experiencing these challenges, you are in the right place for inner nourishment. These compilations of short stories can help you start your day with a pick-me-up of inspiration.

This collection of books presents life coaches who share their true stories of overcoming a variety of hardships and how they decided to move forward to create a vibrant life they love living.

You will come to realize through reading these stories that you can absolutely make it through any challenge, and still create a life that quenches your thirst for fulfillment. How do we know? The authors have created this in their own lives, despite even the most daunting circumstances.

The vulnerability and honesty you will discover within these pages were written with the intention that you will feel surrounded by love and light and to know deeply that all of us are on this sacred journey together.

Short Sweet & Sacred Book
Didi Selwa

About the Author

Didi Selwa

Didi Selwa grew up in Redondo Beach in Southern California. She spent her days basking in the sunshine with her head buried in a book. Her book interests ranged from fun beach reads to meaningful personal development. As her passion for personal and spiritual growth expanded it opened up a whole new way of living.

She found her purpose as a certified transformational life coach and launched her business. Her life changing workshops and programs help people breakthrough their limiting beliefs, achieve greater results, and learn to live with passion and purpose.

When she is not growing her highly successful coaching business, you can find her either teaching TranscenDance™, practicing yoga, or enjoying time with her precious dog Ty.

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